La Universitat Nacional d'Esports i Educació Física de Bucarest va acollir del 24 al 27 de març de 2019 la conferència de presentació del Projecte d'Erasmus + UNIDANS, com una estratègia Inclusiva per a joves amb diverses capacitats.
Es va realitzar una roda de premsa amb les entitats europees participants al programa: l'Associació “IOAN KUNST GHERMĂNESCU School of coaches” (Bucarest, Romania (coordinador), Centro Sportivo EducativoNazionale (Roma, Itàlia) i Club Esportiu Alba (Tarrega, Espanya) (socis) van presentar els objectius i les activitats organitzades del 2019 al 2020.
Més que 20 representants de les entitats europees inclouen exercicis físics a l'oferta educativa per les persones amb diverses capacitats. El projecte UNIDANS és un projecte comú entre les tres entitats europees.
Seguidament es va realitzar el Seminari de Formació de ball inclusiu. Trenta-cinc alumnes, persones, mestres i els participants al seminari, es van formar per organitzar activitats i saber desenvolupar el ball adaptat i inclusiu. Es va realitzar una demostració de Classe Oberta amb els diversos ballarins sota la coordinació del professor Ph.D. Gabriel Popescu i l'ajudant Ph.D. Mihaela Zahiu.
Trenta persones joves amb diverses capacitats, juntament amb vint aficionats i ballarins professionals van posar en pràctica exercicis físics i balls per contribuir a la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones amb necessitats educatives especials.
Per a més informació addicional: https://unidans.aikg.ro
UNIDANS – a project for the adapted and inclusive dance
A series of events took place between 24 – 27 of March 2019 at the National University of Physical Education and Sports, in Bucharest, within the frame of the launching conference of the Erasmus Plus Project UNIDANS – as an Inclusive Strategy for Youth with Limited Abilities. At the press conference, the partner organizations, namely the Association “IOAN KUNST GHERMĂNESCU School of coaches” (Bucharest, Romania) (coordinator), Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale (Rome, Italy) and Club Esportiu Alba (Tarrega, Spain) (partners) presented the objectives and the main activities which will be organized in 2019 – 2020.
More than 20 representatives of the associations interested to include physical exercises in the educational offer for the people with limited abilities attended the event, and all of them expressed their support for the UNIDANS Network Partners, in the light of building future common projects.
The Network event was followed by the Training Seminar in adapted and inclusive dance. Thirty-five (35) persons – students, teachers and coaches participated at the seminar, willing to improve their knowledge in organising and developing activities of adapted and inclusive dance. The highlight of these events was the Open Class demonstration offered by the young dancers with limited abilities, under the coordination of Professor Ph.D. Gabriel Popescu and Assistant Ph.D. Mihaela Zahiu.
Thirty (30) young persons with limited abilities, together with twenty (20) amateur and professional dancers, all volunteers, offered excellent inclusive and adapted dance routines. They proved that physical exercises practice, in general, and dance, in particular, can contribute to improving the life quality of people with special educational needs.
For additional information, please visit our website: https://unidans.aikg.ro
Es va realitzar una roda de premsa amb les entitats europees participants al programa: l'Associació “IOAN KUNST GHERMĂNESCU School of coaches” (Bucarest, Romania (coordinador), Centro Sportivo EducativoNazionale (Roma, Itàlia) i Club Esportiu Alba (Tarrega, Espanya) (socis) van presentar els objectius i les activitats organitzades del 2019 al 2020.
Més que 20 representants de les entitats europees inclouen exercicis físics a l'oferta educativa per les persones amb diverses capacitats. El projecte UNIDANS és un projecte comú entre les tres entitats europees.
Seguidament es va realitzar el Seminari de Formació de ball inclusiu. Trenta-cinc alumnes, persones, mestres i els participants al seminari, es van formar per organitzar activitats i saber desenvolupar el ball adaptat i inclusiu. Es va realitzar una demostració de Classe Oberta amb els diversos ballarins sota la coordinació del professor Ph.D. Gabriel Popescu i l'ajudant Ph.D. Mihaela Zahiu.
Trenta persones joves amb diverses capacitats, juntament amb vint aficionats i ballarins professionals van posar en pràctica exercicis físics i balls per contribuir a la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones amb necessitats educatives especials.
Per a més informació addicional: https://unidans.aikg.ro
UNIDANS – a project for the adapted and inclusive dance
A series of events took place between 24 – 27 of March 2019 at the National University of Physical Education and Sports, in Bucharest, within the frame of the launching conference of the Erasmus Plus Project UNIDANS – as an Inclusive Strategy for Youth with Limited Abilities. At the press conference, the partner organizations, namely the Association “IOAN KUNST GHERMĂNESCU School of coaches” (Bucharest, Romania) (coordinator), Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale (Rome, Italy) and Club Esportiu Alba (Tarrega, Spain) (partners) presented the objectives and the main activities which will be organized in 2019 – 2020.
More than 20 representatives of the associations interested to include physical exercises in the educational offer for the people with limited abilities attended the event, and all of them expressed their support for the UNIDANS Network Partners, in the light of building future common projects.
The Network event was followed by the Training Seminar in adapted and inclusive dance. Thirty-five (35) persons – students, teachers and coaches participated at the seminar, willing to improve their knowledge in organising and developing activities of adapted and inclusive dance. The highlight of these events was the Open Class demonstration offered by the young dancers with limited abilities, under the coordination of Professor Ph.D. Gabriel Popescu and Assistant Ph.D. Mihaela Zahiu.
Thirty (30) young persons with limited abilities, together with twenty (20) amateur and professional dancers, all volunteers, offered excellent inclusive and adapted dance routines. They proved that physical exercises practice, in general, and dance, in particular, can contribute to improving the life quality of people with special educational needs.
For additional information, please visit our website: https://unidans.aikg.ro